







For those who have received a bouquet of flowers, we have a wonderful suggestion. Wouldn’t you like to cherish the beauty of that bouquet forever? Pressed flower art with Presto Flowers allows you to lock that exuberance into a frame.

A bouquet of flowers given on an important anniversary is an important reminder of that day. However, flowers wilt over time. This is why we propose pressed flower art using presto flowers. The bouquet can be preserved forever as it is, making it a unique work of art.

The frame measures W292 x H353 x D22 and is delivered in a simple, high-quality white wooden frame decorated with an original feather mat with a delicate lace-like feather design inside. Its beauty is like a field of flowers in full bloom.

Around 30 flowers are required for production. Therefore, we kindly ask you to prepare a reasonable number of flowers when collecting them.

This pressed flower art from Presto Flower will be a wonderful and memorable gift for the recipient. If you would like to keep a bouquet of flowers given on an important anniversary for a long time, this is an item you should definitely consider.


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