水耕栽培 hydroponics


I love gardening, but I don’t have the space, soil or time. For a long time I couldn’t ‘grow plants’ because of these reasons.
Indoors, there is also the problem of sunlight, and I was thinking that it would be impossible, but nowadays, with hydroponics, which is easy to do, and the ability to get the light needed for plants even indoors, it is possible to grow plants.


園芸したいけど、場所がない。家庭菜園したいけど、畑がない。 そんな時に、野菜を水耕栽培できないか。と思い、室内で水耕栽培に挑戦。 栄養も根からだけでなく、噴霧器からHB101を使ってみました

I want to do gardening but I don’t have space. I want to have a vegetable garden, but I don’t have a field. In such a situation, I wondered if it would be possible to grow vegetables hydroponically. So I tried hydroponics indoors. I used HB101 from a sprayer as well as from the roots for nutrition!
Spraying is done once a week, just enough to slightly moisten the leaves.


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