





  1. 花とワインのセット:

    • シャンパンと季節の花束
    • 赤ワインと豪華なアレンジメント
    • 白ワインとエレガントなブーケ
  2. パーソナライズドサービス:

    • お客様のご要望に応じて、花とワインのセットをカスタマイズいたします。
    • メッセージカードの追加も可能です。
  3. お届けエリアと対応時間:

    • 銀座を中心に、都内主要エリアへの配達を行っております。
    • 配達時間はお客様のご都合に合わせて柔軟に対応いたします。


  1. ウェブサイトからの注文: 当店のウェブサイト(www.tokyoflower.jp)より、ご希望の商品を選び、注文フォームに必要事項をご記入ください。お支払いは、クレジットカード、銀行振込、またはPayPalがご利用いただけます。

  2. SNSでの注文: InstagramやLINEを通じて、ご希望の商品とお届け先をお知らせください。詳細は当店の公式SNSアカウントをご確認ください。

  3. メールでの注文: メール(info@tokyoflower.jp)にて、ご希望の商品とお届け先をご連絡ください。スタッフが丁寧に対応いたします。






Ginza TokyoFlower is pleased to announce the launch of its “Flower and Wine Delivery Service” to meet the needs of special customers.This service will deliver high-quality flowers and a selection of wines unique to Ginza to nearby hotels, lodging facilities, and party venues for customers from overseas or celebrating a special occasion.

Service Features

Ginza Tokyo Flower offers beautiful bouquets and arrangements using fresh flowers carefully selected each season. We have now prepared a new set of products with wine. The wines are carefully selected from Japan and abroad and are of high quality. The combination of flowers and wine is the perfect gift for a special occasion or for a loved one.

Services include

Flower and wine set:.

Champagne and a bouquet of seasonal flowers
Red wine and a gorgeous arrangement
White wine and an elegant bouquet

Personalized Service:.

We will customize a flower and wine set to your requirements.
Message cards can also be added.

Delivery Areas and Available Times: We deliver to the following areas

We deliver to Ginza and other major areas in Tokyo.
Delivery times are flexible to suit your convenience.
How to order

Order from our website: Please visit our website (www.tokyoflower.jp), select the product(s) you wish to order, and fill out the order form. Payment can be made by credit card, bank transfer, or PayPal.

SNS orders: Please let us know the product(s) you would like to order and your delivery address through Instagram or LINE. Please check our official SNS accounts for details.

Order by e-mail: Please send us an e-mail at info@tokyoflower.jp and let us know the product(s) you would like to order and your delivery address. Our staff will respond to you in a courteous manner.

Contact us

If you have any questions or concerns about our services, please feel free to contact us by any of the following methods

Email: info(at)tokyoflower.jp
Instagram: @tokyoflowercoltd
LINE: Please contact us through our official account

Cancellation and Return Policy

Cancellation of deliveries must be notified at least one day prior to the scheduled delivery date. Due to the nature of flowers, we do not accept returns in principle, but if there is a problem with the quality of the product, please contact us immediately. We will respond promptly.

Why not make your special time even more spectacular with Ginza Tokyo Flower’s “Flower and Wine Delivery Service”? We look forward to serving you.



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